South Florida Hooters Meet

Signal 20

When : EVERY SUNDAY from 5PM - 9PM

Where : Hooters of Pompano Beach (Just north of Copans Rd. on Federal Hwy)

All that attend get a 10% discount on all food and drinks

There is also a $30 Gift card, which is offered by the Ford of Pompano. It's for the Hooters Girl Choice Award.

So who all is coming out?
lol i thought maybe i would take a ride and check it out, till i saw pompano beach is 4 hrs and 27 minutes for me one way, guess not!!!!
Yeah, it's not that far. Mapquest lies. I've made it in just under 4 hours from Spring Hill w/ a Trailer on the back of my truck. LOL
well i just recently drove to miami to get a car and turned around and came right back, that was about 10 hours total and it sucked!! with my insanely loud exhaust, i dont think i'm ready to torture myself on another trip like that.