Did the Mark actually make it to #1??????????!!


Hey guys... hope all doing well.

it came to my attention when reading my guest book at cardomain.com having an entery posted with the following:

"posted by herz28camaro 5/30/03, 4:40 am


Congratulation on making the “Top Ride’s” section on “Car Domain”… #1 on the “Top Ten Rides”.. Great job… Awesome car. Extremely impressive.. If you get a minute check out “Merlinsrealm and herz28camaro site. Suggestions entered in our guest books are greatly appreciated. Merlinsrealm recently held the “Top 3 Interior postion”."


has anyone seen it in the top ten???? or is this guy messing with me? I did notice my counter jumping from 2xxx to 5xxx in less then a week.. but could it be? can anyone confirm this? I been out of internet reach for so long I could only log on once every 2-3weeks.
hopefylly that will change when I get back home.
at any rate, just wanted to see if anyone seen it among the top-10 or not. because I consider it more then an honor, and if it was there, then I could not done it without you guys!!!!

(Sorry about the Spillein'g/GrAMmEr errors :p
RE: Did the Mark actually make it to #1??????????!!

Here is the URL Leo: http://www.cardomain.com/top_rides

Making the top ten at cardomain.com is not exactly impressive IMHO, just take a look at what's there now. Ironic maybe, but not impressive.

I relate cardomain.com with ricedomain.com. There are some cool cars there, don't get me wrong, but there are too many riced out, tacky and downright distasteful rides. One ridiculous thing you'll see is people who brag about how many TVs they have. Seems like their membership consists of mostly kids.

EDIT - here is an example of a "top ten sound system", number 2 to be exact:


Be sure not to miss this comment: "...The bungee cords are crude, but they work and i didn't have to drill any holes to hold the box in place."
