Fun with nicknames - words with viii



Don't ask me why I started this. Seems like something out of Close Encounters (get something stuck in your head and just have to follow it).

Anyway, if you are looking for a nickname with an "viii" in it, or something that sounds like "ate", here's a list to work with.

Of course, some of the good ones are already taken, but there's some beauties out there for the pickin'.

Have fun...
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

Worse case of North Woods cabin fever I have ever seen.;)
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

You only exacerbviii his problem.
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

What took you so long? Are you a procrastinVIIIor?

Only a prevaricVIIIor would say that the list is complete.. :D
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

Norm: I like your new plate: MASTERB8 I wish I had thought of it first.
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

Sometimes you can be a constipviiior
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

Could you spell 8, I mean VIII, no I mean ate, no I mean eight, oh never mind I'll look it up myself.
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

Remember the group INXS?

[a href=""]Mediate[/a]
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

In California when you APPLY for a vanity plate you must also define its meaning before big brother will grant it. For example, the number 69 can only be used on a 1969 vehicle. Sign me; VIIIPIE
(only the homeboys from Ohio seem to get it)
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

A women's Mark VIII plate: Fellviiitrix, Fell8trix

Hmm..has "trix" in it. Trixie, you interested in picking up that plate? :)
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

I couldn't cre8 a list like that. It would aggrev8 me. Can you rel8? I think that I'll just go hibern8. See you l8r.
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

A women's Mark VIII plate: Fellviiitrix, Fell8trix

Hmm..has "trix" in it. Trixie, you interested in picking up that plate? :)

Illinois doesn't allow that many letters. ;-)

I've got Trixis 8.
RE: Fun with nicknames - words with viii

someone had a little too much free time creating that site... dear god...