Moving to Golden, Co


Anyone live in the area of Golden Colorado. I am going to transfer to the Colorado School of Mines to finish my Petroleum Engineering Degree. What is the town like? What does a one bedroom rent for? Any general info about the town would be helpful.
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

I live in Boulder, a little North of Golden. I have a good friend who got his PhD. in Petroleum Engineering from mines a few years back.
Golden is a nice town, it has more of an identity than other communities close to Denver. The school has a lot to do with that. It has gotten more "yuppified" lately, with more fancy coffee shops and stuff, but it's still a good place to live.

It's close to good climbing, skiing, kayaking, gambling towns, and has a large brewery with free 'short' tours right close by. I thought about moving there, but the commute to Boulder gets tough in bad weather.

RE: Moving to Golden, Co

I absolutly love that area of colorado. I've been there a few times (drove through on my honeymoon) When the right job comes along I plan on moving out there. Joel, is that the school with the huge "M" in the mountain?

Be prepared to pay though. Cost of living is realy high up there, gas is expensive, and when i was there my mark performed like crap at those altitudes.
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

They also put a lot of additives in the gas because of the polution. Denver is so bad now that when you fly in it looks like LA. I think it's gasahol they use a lot of. Change fuel filters frequently.

Other than the cost of living thats about the only negative. You'll probably fall in love with the place and never want to leave. If you're single, get you party clothes on. The M/F ratio is definately in our favor. Lots of good memories from business trips to Denver, Golden, Boulder, and the Springs. Good Luck
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

Yes, Mines does have a big 'M' on the side of the mountain.

My cars run fine here, just waaay down on power. I had to put a 455 in my Trans Am just to get back to the performance I was used to at sea level. Yes, we do get oxy fuels in the winter, I have had no significant problems with them except for fuel mileage (you lose about 5%) and in my older cars and bikes the fuel lines deteriorated fast, some leaked. Modern cars have improved fuel lines. One upside, I feel engines last longer here because they are understressed. It's like using 80% throttle as WOT at sea level. Also you can drive down to the coast and it's like having a new car (or at least a new motor.) My Mark felt about as powerful here as my dad's Grand Marquis does back in WI. Pretty close anyway.

Denver's air quality is very decent now. We had a lot of problems with the brown cloud, until someone figued out it was mostly dust from the sand used on the roads. We use several liquid de-icers now and the brown cloud is much better. I don't thik it ever got to LA standards, there were times in LA where I thought I was gonna drop over dead from the smog. The only time I feel that way here is when I'm out biking and I get stuck behind a bus (except for the new CNG buses, they are fine.)

RE: Moving to Golden, Co


I'm just curious. After being there for a while, would you seriously ever want to live anywhere else? I know career changes cause you to have to move for a better job. But all things being equal wouldn't you choose to stay? Every so often I get a wild hair and threaten to sell out and go back. Freaks my wife out.

Glad to hear the air quality is better. In the mid 80s it was nasty. Coming thru the pass from the west looked just like going thru Cajon pass looking over San Berdu toward LA.

RE: Moving to Golden, Co

I have thought about moving from time to time, but I have a hard time finding places that I would like as much. There are some parts of Texas, Florida, the Georgia coast and S. Carolina I could see living in. San Diego (if I had the $$$) would also work. I quite like New Mexico too. I have also heard good things about parts of Washington but I have not checked it out myself just yet.

If I had to move due to a job change or something, I could manage. I can probably be happy most anywhere.

RE: Moving to Golden, Co

What is the Local news paper in Golden. Need to check classifieds for a job and a house
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

Yea, we are going to be there tonight. I am not going to run though. Just got me tranny in yesterday and I want to give it a week to make sure everything it working.
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

Let me know the next time you are going to race the Lincoln, so I can take mine out there.
RE: Moving to Golden, Co

No, I am not Australian but I am from Oklahoma and you know that we just got indoor pluming and I am moving out of my Teepee next week. Plus I am dyslexic (why did that name a condition that makes it hard to spell such a hard to spell word) plus a southern draw. That is why "OGAR" is misspelled. I am a dyslexic Ogre.