Where's JD, I miss him!!


Where's JD? I miss him. Where has he been? I think he adds alot to the board. Alot of "edge". And he's funny. Where has he been??
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

Well I applaud the BOD for stepping up to bat for a member. Way to go!!!
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

This is not a Democracy. It is a Republic. We have elected leaders to make decisions for us.

A good example of a Democracy is a lynch mob....Majority rules!
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

Dr. Dave,

Majority doesn't rule. Take for example your previous presidential election. Cheers....~R
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

Dr. Dave,

Majority doesn't rule. Take for example your previous presidential election. Cheers....~R

Exactly. That's because it's a republic, and not a democracy.
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

Yeah, and if Al Gore was in office I'm sure the response to 9-11 would have been much more successful (shoot, with Gore it probably wouldn't have happened, right?) and the world would have been totally at peace by now. Big group hug. Where's the keys to my electric car?

Can't solve the problems of the world's psychopaths by taxing the rich, throwing the resulting money at the less-fortunates of the country and the planet.

Four more years.
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

How the hell did we go from missing JD to arguing over presidents?

Sounds to me like quite a few people would like to express themselves on political matters.

Could we PLEASE have that political forum??????

[h1]Hello? Is anybody listening?[/h1]
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

Dr. Dave,

Majority doesn't rule. Take for example your previous presidential election. Cheers....~R

That's exactly right! We don't elect presidents, the Electoral College does. We only elect the E.C..

If we allowed the majority to elect our presidents, then the most populous areas in our country would rule. And most of them are predominately liberal. All of the rest of the country might as well never vote as their vote wouldn't count. As it stands now, the number of Electoral College delegates is representative of the region of which they represent. For instance, California is represented by 54 delegates to reflect the overall population of the state according to the last census. Several of the smaller states were only represented by 3 delegates, but because of the electoral college, their vote counted for something. The delegates are supposed to vote according to the winner of the popular vote in their state, although they are not bound to it.

If you were to review the results of the last presidential election you would see that W won an overwhelming number of states. Therefore, he did indeed win the majority of the nation's vote.

Our forefathers were wise enough to realize that the less popular states wouldn't be fairly represented if it weren't for the establishment of an Electoral College. The same goes for our House of Representatives.

Our Senate was originally a lifetime appointment intended to insulate the Senators from the winds of re-election polls. Unfortunately, that was thwarted by the decision to elect them every 6 years. Now, we have a Senate that is swayed by the moods of the voters nearly as easily as the Representatives are. What a shame!

I pray that this decision is never made for our Supreme Court.

What I don't understand is why we continue to consider ourselves a Democracy. If we were truly a Democracy, we would have to have a public election for each and every new law and amendment.

When the legislature of your state proposes a referendum to decide the passing of a new law, they are shunning their responsibility to decide as we have elected them to do. They often do this to avoid the repercussions of voting on a controversial issue. They aren't doing it for your sake, they're doing it to cover their butts. Cowards!

BTW, my original post wasn't a reference to our country. I was talking about this car club.
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

How the hell did we go from missing JD to arguing over presidents?

Sounds to me like quite a few people would like to express themselves on political matters.

Could we PLEASE have that political forum??????

[h1]Hello? Is anybody listening?[/h1]

We tried asking for one, but I guess the rest dont want anything to do with it.
RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

If he was here in cali, and had $35 and 65 friends, he could be govenor....

RE: Where's JD, I miss him!!

But cali really pisses me off with OVER governed rules and BS..... The Federal govn't should take them down, and put an end to this.