Digital Cameras (again)

M Darrah

There was a thread posted here a couple of months ago...

...about digital cameras. I'm now in the market for one. I've got a higher-end Nikon 35mm camera (N-80), but it's nowhere near as convenient, and unless I buy a top of the line scanner, scanned prints just don't compare color and contrast-wise to digital. And besides, my current scanner has gone kaput for good.

One thing I'm very concerned with is the ability to do macro photography. How do the cameras mentioned in the previous post do macro-wise? Any other suggestions? $400 is my absolute limit.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

I know the Canon Elph series can. Most of the time I forget how to get into macro mode.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

before I left my last agency I was in charge of all photo evidence. I built the team from the ground up and was given the oportunity to select the camera's we would be using. If you are ok with having a big camera, I would look at the Fujifilm s602zoom. It was very easy to use and had a great lense. The larger camera made it easier to see the button's to change modes. The macro button is right on the side of the lense and easy to get to. You can also use a grid system and decide where the lense should focus. So if you wont to focus on something in the background and not the item closest to the lense you can do so. It also takes both types of memory card's. I would discourage purchasing a sony only becouse of the memory card's. They have their own type which mean's that their's will also be more expensive. A final thing to look at is the battery type. People often forget to check that and find themselves with a camera that takes a special type of battery. If your rechargable dies you are done. If you have a camera that takes AA batteries you can still use rechargables, but you can also stop at a store and pick them up quick and cheep.

If you purchase the Fuji, let me know. I have written an entire easy to understand manual that I can E-Mail you. It's about 50 pages, but it cover's crime scene photography.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

I have that camera. Love it. Except for it's size. Please email me the manual. traeton at
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

That Fuji looks like a great camera, but it's about twice my budget.

Right now the one I've got my eye on is the Canon PowerShot S400 Digital Elph:

(This is a great site by the way. Thanks for the link Ron!)

It's still over my budget, but not by too much.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

Check some of those online search engines that find deals on camera's. Also keep an eye on ebay. Some reputable companies put good deal's together. When they came out they were about 700. I have been finding them in the 3-$400 range as little as two month's ago.

I just went and looked at the camera you are talking about. It is a nice unit, but alot depend's on what you intend to do with the camera. There is no external flash. I would not purchase a camera that was not capable of using one. The reason is night time shooting. The internal flash is generally not good for more than about 10 feet. The difference is amazining. An external flash works so well that I required my guy's to use them even when indoor's even with the light's on. One other thing I noticed is the lack of control over the camera. You cant adjust the aperture or shutter. This is very important if you want to take high quality photo's. I did'nt notice a macro option either. You also can't manually adjust the focus.

I am not trashing the camera. It really is a good unit if you are only going to use it for thing's like parties or taking a photo of your wife on the beach. The thing's I pointed out may be of no intrest to you. If you are serious about your photography then this unit does not have what you need.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

Trey, I have good new's and bad new's. I can't find the manual on my computer. It may have been lost when I had the hard drive cleared out. The good new's is that I have plenty of them sitting around the house. If you would like, you can e-mail me your address and I would be more than happy to snail mail you a copy.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

Oh, on that auction site, the S602Z goes for less than your absolute limit sometimes.
RE: Digital Cameras (again)

I have a canon as well, I'm very happy with it.

RE: Digital Cameras (again)

I just purchased a Canon Powershot S50. It takes wonderful pictures and is reasonably user friendly. I believe it is more than your upper limit of pricing. I paid $505.00.