I feel bad for laughing so hard

RE: I feel bad for laughing so hard

I guess i'll have to check that one when i get home ("this website falls under the category of "sex" and is restricted").
RE: I feel bad for laughing so hard

If I saw the end results, I may have been able to laugh at it, but I'm not laughing now.

Thats something we take very seriously in my line of work. My question was, why didn't a lifeguard yell at him after the first bounce?

The way he came back down and hit the board, I would assume he was allright. He looked to have hit more on upper back than he did on his neck or head. That most likely saved his life. And hauling big fat asses out of the water isn't a real easy job for a lifeguard either. Though its not likely that he was moved out of the water either. Probablly stabilzed him, put him on a backboard and then waited till EMS arrived. Were taught how to take them out of the water on a board, but we don't like to do it.

My guess is the guy was allright though. He landed in the best possible way he could've ended up in that situation.
RE: I feel bad for laughing so hard

My cousin died a few months ago of something similar, only that he dived in what he thought was the deep end.