Custom Voltmeter installation

RE: Custom Voltmeter installation

Just get an escort passport 8500 and hard-wire it in. It has a built-in voltmeter that reads in tenths of a volt. Plus it'll beep when there's a cop around (usually).
RE: Custom Voltmeter installation

I didn't think "detectors" did the job anymore with all the new POLLice technology our tax dollars pay for.

By the way I LOVE the idea of the voltmeter. You can never have too many LEDs burning in your interior - especially when they actually do something.
RE: Custom Voltmeter installation

I have an escort 7500S and it is amazing. I get good distnace on most cops, its rearward facing sensor is decent and its got enough little features to make me happy. I have started to be able to distinguish between automatic doors and cops, but its still pretty tricky. The other thing that gets me, My Girlfriend's Samsung cell phone sets of the LASER sensor. Thats how we know if it rings in the car, kinda strange, but whatever. My Motorola has no problem what so ever.

I wish I had a volt meter... Maybe I will disassemble my nice fluke multi-meter and flush mounth that into the dash! Probably not...
RE: Custom Voltmeter installation

I don't care how many new gadgets the cops have, for the next 5-10 years there will still be enough with radar to make a detector worth it. Don't pretend you don't speed, either. I probably speed less than most people here (less frequently, that is, when i speed i speed), and i have a detector. It only has to save your arse once to be worth the $$$.

Moe, all my credit cards are already floored. You don't even want to know that number.