I have a saying.......


Fords.....you always gotta fix them up, they always need something, you're always putting money into them, yet its never good enough. There is always something broke that is your fault, yet no matter what you do, you can never make it right. My saying that I came up with about 6 years ago was

:mad-tilt: "F'n Fords!" :mad-tilt:

Girls......you always gotta fix them up, they always need something, you're always putting money into them, yet its never good enough. There is always something broke that is your fault, yet no matter what you do, you can never make it right. :mad-tilt: "F'N FORDS!" :mad-tilt:

Guys, why do we let these girls get so much control over our hearts and emotions? I know getting "action" once a month isn't worth this crap....! So much for going to bed early. :mad-tilt: :mad-tilt: :mad-tilt:
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Jesse quit crying on the board. I told you about "these women". You better get off that roller coaster man, that ticket is loooooooong expired.
Pssh...I knew you'd join in, but I figured you'd be more supportive considering your in the same boat!

It wasn't a bad day...just a bad 2 hours of rest that I lost. Dumb hoes.
Sigh.... I'll call you later to find out the scoop... Thursday night was party night I am guessing. And you weren't invited until it was too late.
Lol....I was invited, but only to clean up the mess while she lay on the toilet puking....again. Didn't we go through this just 2 weeks ago or was that last week!? Sigh......for sure.

I was able to say "Goodbye" though, and its official this time.

Talk about kicking you when your down...I feel like that game at the fair where the little gophers keep popping their heads out of the holes and you SMASH them with a hammer.....yeah, thats me.
Jesse, that is exactly what you said last time... it is like someone played a tape. This is it, if it bothers you, no more... enough is enough man.

Now get those blue balls on your trailer hitch and call it a day muahahah.
HAhaha...I know I said that last time, and she DID change because of the loss of poor Phoenix, I guess she had a relapse. Oh well, unless things DRASTICALLY change(no hopes this time, NONE) I will be avoiding her calls.
Jesse, you mentioned the same drastic changes last time... I am telling you. Stay away... And that is the same advice you gave me yo, so listen up.
Lol, trust me, I said my goodbyes and I don't feel one ounce of care what happend, how it happend or anything. The only thing that matters is that I forgave her for her mistakes on Sunday, and than this happend.......I'm done. When you think you have nothing left to give, more gets taken, Fn Fords.