93 Mark VIII with 99 Cobra swap and T45

I have a buddy that was wanting to do something like that to his Mark. If he does it I'm sure it will look better than that.
Wow...what a POS. He didn't do the shift box extension so the shifter will be "lodged" under the dash in 1st/3rd/5th gears, lmao!
I hacked a 5 speed into an old Mark VII I used to have and it looked better than that! LOL! My knuckles hurt just looking at the pictures!
Lol! You know what they say...."If you don't got busted knuckles you're not having fun!" or "You're not doing it right!" I don't think either apply in this case, haha.
I think someone should ask the owner to post pics of the hack job shifting does to the back of his right hand, I bet whoever buys/bought that car will be picking skin out of the dash for years.:D
If I were gonna "stick shift" a mark 8 the trans shifter would remain the same.
The trans would be "solenoid shifted"...

no way would I hack up a car in such a manner, then post pics on the internet.. then.. ask for 6500.00 for such an "abortion of a project".

This should be a sticky for the next noob that asks, "can I put a stick in my mark"?

sorry to sound harsh but that is hideous, yank the cobra motor out and crush the rest.
Mabey while he's shifting, he can reach in and check the blend door actuator periodicly! LOL!

Flush sound!
And he also needs the screaming the pain will cause because he has no radio. Shift(scream) Hell I would just rev it up and go right into second and leave it there. Neutral, second. That's it.
Well if he waits a bit more he can go and order paddle shifter and trans to save his hands. It will be on the new Taurus SHO coming out in late Spring of 09.
:DI can't remember who made the shifter, but I saw a old dodge van w/floor mounted conversion shifter(it went forward instead of back) it came up about an inch then went forward about a foot so you could reach it. the problem was you tended to push down for second lift for third and so on pain in the butt to drive would'nt think of racing it!(it would be like trying to road race a harley w/ape hanger handle bars!):eek: