Custom Chip or Micro Tuner


I have read lots of posts about performance chips on this forum but I would like member's thoughts on whether to get a custom chip with a dynomometer or a SCT Max Micro Tuner. My 1998 LSC is completely stock, no modifications not even removal of the air silencer; and, I am likely to leave it that way. It has 17,000 miles on it. I have spoken to the owners of two SCT dealerships in my area, one is a custom chip maker who uses a dyno and charges between $1,000 and $1,300 depending on whether you get a single program or multi-program chip. The other dealer will sell me a SCT Max Micro Tuner for $329 and do the initial setup for me. This dealer tells me the custom chips are for cars with lots of modifications and that the micotuners are for cars like mine with few or no modifications. I am generally one who believes that you get what you pay for but in this case I am thinking that for a simple performance upgrade the microtuner might be the ticket. Comments and advice welcome.
RE: Custom Chip or Micro Tuner

$1000 for a tune is a total ripoff. I paid $500 to have my car dyno tuned, and the tuner will do updates for free, i just pay for dyno time. Tell that tuner he's on crack if he thinks you're going to drop a grand on a dyno tune when you could go buy the software he's using to do it and the equipment to burn the chip yourself for $900 and then pay for dyno time and still have it done cheaper. Call him a hack while you're at it, just for grins.

For a completely stock car the micro tuner should be fine.