Does anyone play a musical instrument?


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I know of one person here that does, anyone else. I don't but really wish I had taken the time to learn one.

My oldest Son Neal plays the trombone and my youngest Son Troy plays the drums.
I played the trumpet from about the 4th grade through my freshman year of high school. Then i took up the keyboards for about a year until my teacher got to busy. I always wanted to play the drums but i was told they were to loud. I probably would have stuck with them. :(
Played guitar for 20+ years. Just built this in December.


Building an amp now. After that, I'll start to work on the car.
That is a nice looking guitar... :D

I don't play the harp (although I tried to take lessons, but the timing didn't work out) and I don't play the accordion (although I do own a nice one)...

I can pretty much play everything else that would be a common instrument on at least a basic level... :D
Awesome Chris!

Used to play clarinet, and play a little piano now and then very very poorly.
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Lol Steve. That's only when I'm being tortured.
Played guitar for 20+ years. Just built this in December.


Building an amp now. After that, I'll start to work on the car.

Nice axe....I've played guitar for 30 years....And my pride and joy is my les paul custom. Cherry sunburst.
I used to play the bass guitar in High School but could never really get the hang of it no matter how hard I blew into it! :fart