Hello, again


Well I figured I might as well post here in the New User area, even though I am technically not a new user. It's just been years since I have been on here. I sincerely doubt that anyone would remember me.

I own a black 94 Mark VIII that I spent some time and money on to get it to perform decently at the drag strip. I could do consistent 12.30s and my best time was an 11.98. I had some heart troubles (4 heart attacks actually) and a combination of what that did to me and the medications I was on pretty much kept me from turning a wrench on anything, so I sort of faded away into oblivion. The Mark VIII sat, was driving some, and lots of stuff broke on it. I bought a Town Car, and another project car that I ever so slowly worked on...

Then one day I got tired of messing around and had the entire power train pulled out of the Mark VIII and refreshed. The VIII is just a shell now, having donated all the remaining working bits to this new project... which is to move the 4.6 Teksid to it's new home, my 1967 Thunderbird.

The reason I am back on here is twofold. First off if anyone is interested in the build and how it is progressing, it would thrill me to no end to share. Secondly, it's been two whole years now since I have seen a completed 4.6 quad valve sitting in a real working Mark VIII and my memory is beginning to fade regarding certain details of how things attached, etc. So I am hoping to be able to ask some questions to current Mark VIII owners.

In case anyone cares, I am going to try to attach some photos of the Mark VII in its prime, and the car that everything is going into.
