Lincoln, its a family thing!


Last month my Mom joined the wonderful world of Lincoln ownership! She has been wanting a classic car for a while. After my Grandma passed away at the end of winter last year she had the oportunity to be able to afford a classic car. She looked at a lot of stuff but kept telling me that she really liked my car. I kept telling her that a Lincoln is the way to fo. Well, she bought a Caddilac that ended so badly she is sueing the guy that sols it. After that she decided to take a second look at a Lincoln we looked at a while ago. Well, she took it home! Its a 1975 Cont Mark 4 Lipstick Edition! It has about 47 k miles on it and has never seen the weather. The condition is an easy 8 on a 10 scale. This Lipstick i here is one of 50. It has a special hand painted pinstriping on it. I disnt do the research on it so i done know all the details on that. But anywho, shes got a great Lincoln and we will be hitting the car shows this summer in hopes to draw some interest in classic Lincolns and maybe gey some people tp cruise with and hit shows with around heren i will get some pictures up soon.