LS '03 Navigation System/Audio System Software problems - HELP Needed


Hello All,
I have a Lincoln LS '03 with a THX Audio/Navigation system.

I played with the software update features under the Software menu (hidden menu by pressing the Audio and Menu button at the same time) and my Audio/Navigation menu doesn't come up anymore.

The last thing I did is go to software upgrade and select upgrade the NAVI 16X software. When it asked me if I had the CD I said yes (even though I don't have one) and now every time the radio system start it says: "Please wait while system is upgrading software".....followed by
"CAUTION: Cannot load System Software. Disk Type Incorrect. Please insert correct System Disk"

Now I'm stuck at this screen and I can't go to back to the regular menu that lets me control the audio stations and Navigation system.

The buttons for audio work (i can hear stations changing...when using the steering wheel controls) however It does not display on the screen anymore as that Caution message stays ON all the time.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way of bypassing this software upgrade and going back to the regular menu?

I cannot believe that Lincoln would allow you to select software upgrade which in turn screws up your system probably until you go back to the dealer for them to insert a CD in the system that would allow it to boot correctly again.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I was even thinking of disconnecting the Battery until the radio looses it's memory (i was hoping that would make the radio forget it asked for a System CD)

Any tought suggestions please let me know.

Well man, hate to say this but I checked all my sources and it looks like you're off to the dealer.

I noticed on a lot of forums that some of the dealerships did not charge for Navi updates so you may just need a DVD to upgrade the software.

Check eBay for the DVD and try disconnecting your battery for 30 minutes (turn on headlights after disconnecting to completely drain the system).

I tried unplugging the battery for about 20 minutes and everything on the car reset (the temperature settings etc) but the Audio system did not.

On a different note, it seems that when it's asking me for a software CD it's asking for one from the in-dash system not the external DVD system (in the trunk).

I have the original NAV DVD in the trunk (the 2003 version of the maps) but I take it that's not the CD it's asking for.

I will contact a Ford dealer in the area and see what they say.

The whole thing started because I wanted to find out if it's possible to upgrade the software on the system (Buttons, Display, NAVI 16x). I'm sure that although the system stayed the same the firmware was upgraded from my '03 model till the '06 model came out.

Can anyone tell me what version of OS they have on their THX System?
I have pictures of mine before I screwed it up. I will check my pictures and I will post what version I have on my system.

PS. to check what version on your system you can press the Audio+Menu button at the same time (hold it for about 5 seconds) and you will be asked for a password. Just enter 1971. While in the Admin menu you can safely view the existing version of the system (please don't do like me and try to select upgrade software).

Much appreciated,