moonroof leaking

Mike P

Staff member
Paid Member
My moon roof is leaking and the area around the switch near the rearview gets wet when it rains, how do I take it all apart and clear the blockage? Thanks
take a look at this thread:

There used to photos in there, that show the plastic bits to remove in order to access the screws used to hold the glass in place. they no longer appear for me, but hopefully do for you.

On my '97, there are actually four drains. one at each corner of the track. I'm thinking that removing the glass will give you a pretty good shot at accessing them. the alternative, removing the headliner, is much more work. :D
The pictures are there on my screen...although I'm the one that put them there. Mike, can you see them?
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Yes, how many are there
Nope.. I see this:

I'm kinda wondering if photobucket pictures are blocked for me at work. :)

Was that one posted there? or within the board's photo uploader? (like this one)


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That was one picture of the plastic pull outs that expose the nuts.
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Yup. [blocked]

I figured. Thanks for confirming.

so have you tracked down those leaks yet?