My Prototype


Okay, I've never posted a pic before, but we'll see how this works. I know it's not a Lincoln, but it's pretty close. This is just something I made on Paint a few years ago, I'm not the photoshop pros you guys all are.
RE: My Prototype

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
not to be mean, but what did you do to it

That would actually be quite a compliment, assuming he started with a pic of a normal marauder. That pic is a 2 door, lowered marauder with no emblem on the nose. Of course he could have also started with a pic of the concept convertible (2 door) marauder, and put a real roof on it.

BTW, nice job! It took me a second to realize that there was anything done to it as well.
RE: My Prototype

I did start with a regular Marauder sedan. Thats the first picture. I think it was quite a bit easier to use a sedan than the convertible prototype however. With the sedan, on MS Paint at least, all you have to do was cut and paste, and then work pixel by pixel to make sure its all blended, and even at that there are places (ie the windows) I could never get to look right. The hardest part of it was since it was at an angle, the roof didn't line up when I shortened it. A much easier sedan into coupe conversion is like the second one I did (Notice the clear taillights as well. Pimpin' :D ) Chris

BTW- I didn't think it was mean, not being to tell what I did and thinking it was a real car was the best compliment.