Please allow me to (re)introduce myself all over again


Hey kids, I guess you could say "I’m back" to some extent, although it kinda feels both new and old.
For those of you who have been around here forever, good to see y’all again.
For those of you who haven’t been here forever, pleased to make your acquaintance.

I have been lurking here periodically under the pseudonym “Ol’dude” until yesterday when while snooping around I realised my old profile still existed and once I got over the confusion that caused me I contacted “driller” to see about reactivating my former self. Originally my intent in doing so was largely to see what I’d find in my old PM box, but after that trip down memory lane, and all the smiles, frowns and memories within it seems to me that “Splat” should be revived, or maybe reinvented would be more accurate. At this point in life I’m really not online all that often, keeping myself busied with other things, other hobbies, other interests, but I have to say, this place just has the feel of home.