radio swap

red hot lsc

hi guys,new to lod and need some info please.i have a 97 lsc with factory casset radio.can anyone tell me if a factory in dash cd radio will work in the place of the casset,and will still operate the 10 disc player in the back.i have access to one and would to swap them. thanx carl
is your cd changer factory andrew, cuz in all my years of mark VIII's i have never seen a factory cd radio with cd changer controls also.
hi jamieslsc,right now i have the factory cassete player.i want to swap it witha factory in dash cd-radio out of a 97.i just dont know if the in dash cd-radio will operate the factory 10 disc changer in the trunk,any info will help,thanx carl
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I think what Jamie is saying is that the in-dash WITH a CD player will not have the controls integrated for the truck CD changer.
wow, glad I didn't swap a few months ago, I didn't know you couldn't control the CD changer with the CD radio, I almost bought one
Just get yourself an MP3 player and cassette adapter to play it through the factory system.
Edit: You guys are correct. I was wrong. For some reason, I thought it would control the trunk cd changer also. I guess I'll have to find a cassette head unit with cd controls. I don't like single cd players.
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If what you want is a cassette player that controls the trunk mounted changer, look for the factory unit that says "CD" just to the right of the cassette loading hole. They are common and easy to find.