Renaissance Faire


Any of you Southern Cal people like to attend the Renaissance Faire. It is in Devore, where the 15 and 215 freeways meet.
RE: Renaissance Faire

I go to the Bristol Renaissance Faire in Wisconsin. It is pretty awesome. After a full day of drinking, I was about to make it with two fair ladies (early forties, but well maintained), when low and behold, my wife showed up.

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Renaissance Faire

We go to the Bristol faire once or twice a year, too. The Kid even makes his own chain mail. It's a lot of fun, but more fun when Hubby comes and I can get drunk and don't have to drive home. :)
RE: Renaissance Faire

the Renaissance Festival here in Shakopee MN is pretty fun. i went last year for the first time.. watching jousting was pretty fun.... huge turkey legs and Guiness.. good combo!
RE: Renaissance Faire

i somehow ended up at one of these about 10 years ago with a friend and his parents. man, ive never seen a bigger gathering of nerds in my life. this ranks right up there with a star trek convention.
RE: Renaissance Faire

Paul, when you are old enough to drink, you'll see it's not quite the same....

And I'm sure the guys appreciate some of the cleavage displays that are abundant. ;-)
RE: Renaissance Faire

If you really want to have a good time go in costume. It is a hole new thing in costume. You can not help but have fun!
RE: Renaissance Faire

I saw a whole family of females at breakfast last week dressed in period. Yum. I knew exactly where they were headed. I haven't been there in a long time but I liked it better even when it was held in Malibu. Used to do the wild thing with the fortune teller. Can you still get those oil rubs from wild wenches? Do you know how much longer it lasts?

Barry Ames
'93 blk/gry 87k
Lake Forest, CA
RE: Renaissance Faire

I agree wholeheartedly. I am definitely going in costume. There are wayyy too many whenches(sp?) not too. If you know what I mean. Even if your a young'n, a great time can be had. Look me up and I'll set you up. Don't drive your fancy Lincoln though, we'll take a limo. (No Joe, we'll find someone local).

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Renaissance Faire

I think its wenches. I used to love it when I could get drunk. Have to see what its like next year sober...

Friend of mine's wife is an actress in it, so we hit all the shows. they're pretty funny if you actually try and pay attention.

When is that faire in socal?

RE: Renaissance Faire

The faire began the first Saturday in May making this the third weekend of an eight weekend run. So last weekend looks to be June 21st and 22nd. It looks as if I will be going next Saturday, May 24th. Let me know if anyone else might make it then and we can figure a way to meet and have a leg and a pint or leg and a wench? I'm flexable, and there's LOTS to see at these faires. I've never known a guy that was disapointed and if you have a lady and young one's you'll all have a good time. Small children I would highly recommend one of those wagons with the air filled tires(filled to rec. PSI) and blanket. Big place, lots of walking.