The Carlisle Curse


Staff member
Has it started?

OK, technically I'm all cleared to go on the trip, however, I'm still not cleared to drive and no lifting of anything over the weight of a gallon of milk.

But today, I was going to drive just a teeny bit to get a haricut (yeah, the surgery really messed up my prep here), and the car only clicked. Tried the kid's car, but the only key we have is for the door, not ignition, although I really didn't know if I could drive the stick even the 2 miles I needed to go.

So, my hair is way too long for the hot weather we're going to have, but more importantly, the battery is apparently not drained, and Hubby has no clue why the car won't start (hmmmm, could it be he doesn't know how to wash an engine?). It's actually surprising that the battery isn't dead since he apparently left the interior lights on when he detailed the car and never turned them off.

So poop. But we're still leaving tomorrow. If he can't start my car, we can always take his.
The lights will turn off by themselves in I think about 15 minutes.
He could have gotten something wet.
Starter connection, apparently she's running now.

I think Bill helped him out in the electrical forum. I'm going to bed. :)