TV upgrade


flash drives.jpgI just made two of my TV's 4K, in about 10 min. Cost $5 one flash drive at least 4 gb, I used 16 gb. Delete any info on it, or use a new one. Plug it in your computer, and format it to " FAT 32". Unplug your TV and install it in the USB port. Turn your TV on and what a difference. It gives the TV more room for memory. I have a 60" Sharp 3D tv, and it made a big difference going from 1080p to 4K. Helps with these old eyes ha ha. Did the 20" in the kitchen with same great results. Thought I'd share.
Make sure your TV has a usb port. Most newer TV's have 2-3 ports. I used # 1 port
PIC of different flash drives
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