Summer Lincoln's Only Cruise!

Ok sweet! If you get a call, let me know, I'll join you on the dance floor and let them film the back of my head too. :)
Ok, wanted to update everyone who is interested in the cruise.

So far, we have:

Me Tan LSC
My Evergreen
My Pops
Bob & Carol
Max? maybe as passenger in mine?

Miss anyone?

So I was thinking June 25th or July 2nd as the cruise date. Fourth of July weekend would be cool but then we'd have to deal with the crowds. If we do the weekend before, we may be able to stop by the boardwalk with ample parking for some photos on the pier or by the old roller coaster.

I was also thinking about the north coast idea Barry. What about a cruise up to Davenport, have an ice cream at the place up there around 11am. Then cruise down to Monterey and do the pebble beach thing, make a pit stop in Moss Landing for potty break on the way past, and then shoot across 156 to the 101 and into Gilroy (still have to find a good garlic place or similar). After that stop, we shoot back down 101 or over 152 (redwoods and whindy), cruise through good ole Watsonville and then BBQ at my place.

Lets try to make something like that work. I have several extra places for people to crash too, so we can BBQ into the night like they do at Trixie's house. :)
Assuming the "Mike" in the list above is me, you didn't miss me. :)

Right now, both of those weekends look real good. I think I could make either, and they both give me plenty of drive time on either side.

I'll definitely need the "crash space." :)
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Yep, you're Mike last time I checked. :)

Anyone else....Barry hasn't been on for awhile.
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Anyone else....Barry hasn't been on for awhile.

Ive been here, Just been really busy and not posted much. I'm still in.
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Damn straight, I have 3 rural acres AND all my neighbors are down to join. :)
When I used to have parties like that, somebody always arranged for some old furniture to burn..

I wonder if a la-z-boy will fit in the Mark somehow...
The 25th might work, although it will be the end of my vacation week coming back from DC. 2nd would be good also.

So I was thinking June 25th or July 2nd as the cruise date. Fourth of July weekend would be cool but then we'd have to deal with the crowds. If we do the weekend before, we may be able to stop by the boardwalk with ample parking for some photos on the pier or by the old roller coaster.
And to your place or mine for a BBQ

I was also thinking about the north coast idea Barry. What about a cruise up to Davenport, have an ice cream at the place up there around 11am. Then cruise down to Monterey and do the pebble beach thing, make a pit stop in Moss Landing for potty break on the way past, and then shoot across 156 to the 101 and into Gilroy (still have to find a good garlic place or similar). After that stop, we shoot back down 101 or over 152 (redwoods and whindy), cruise through good ole Watsonville and then BBQ at my place.

I think skip Davenport and do the Boardwalk thing, plus the rest.
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Cool. I like the BBQ at your place but there is no wear to park a bunch of Lincolns. :) Plus we have room for tents, all my neighbors, and a large fire pit. No offense. :D

Well, let set the date for JULY 2nd, 2011. I'll work on the start time.
Offesne taken! LMAO!

Parking cars? We have a big area at he bottom of the street.
I have alot of Deck for tents 1,100sq ft. Your Neighbors are welcome.

PS: OK, Your place then. So I don't have to clean up the mess.
Besides, pulling tent stakes out of a deck isn't much fun. :D

(really, though. my tent requires them..)

Man I hope this works out. It should be a great time. July 2 it is!
Lol Barry.....ya, lets park all our cars on a dark street in Boulder Creek where we can't see them..... :D :D :D :D

LMAO Mike, he offered....lets do it. I'll bring the screws.

Cecil, plenty of room, I'll buy some cots.
So just to confirm, we're doing all of this *on* saturday, the 2nd. right?

It looks like to be safe, I'd need to hit the road on Thursday sometime.. I've never been through Utah, Nevada, or California before. do I need to watch out for anything?

This should be a fun trip!


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So just to confirm, we're doing all of this *on* saturday, the 2nd. right?

It looks like to be safe, I'd need to hit the road on Thursday sometime.. I've never been through Utah, Nevada, or California before. do I need to watch out for anything?

This should be a fun trip!

Yes! when you hit California, watch out for the CHP, especially the young ones that own Mark VIII's, they will pull you over and give you a hard time. LOL

Take Care
