1st gen driver side light assembly


while cleaning my lights and removing the clips on the drivers side units,i broke off two adjusters and tore up the black knob thing on the back cover,I got it rigged in kinda with duck tape now,it looks fine but it bothers ME!am in no hurry for one but if you guys seeone post a link or let me know about it.BTW what does a new set of first gen assemblies go for?& can you still get them from Ford?
RE: 1st gen driver side light assembly

Watch ebay -- one just went for about $100 a day or two ago. Ford sells them for about $270 I think. You can also check sites like Car-Part.com. they have a national listing of used parts and as I looked
now they have many complete headlight units starting at about $100

Min is gonna be replaced next week (after the accident) the light itself is unusable as the front is broken, but maybe I could salvage the parts you refer to?
RE: 1st gen driver side light assembly

It would suprise me if you found a near new set used or for auction. I thought I did recently 'til the seller advised they were yellowing internally and graciously admitted they would be fine for replacement but not for restoring to like new.