227 Owner Complaints!

RE: 227 Owner Complaints!

LOL, now thats funny

I also checked out the number of complaints for the second gen cars. Myteriously, they were quite a bit lower, I don't inderstand....
RE: 227 Owner Complaints!

The link no workie Leo.


Weird, sometimes it does, othertimes not. Anyway, go to the 1997 year and click on customer complaints, then choose the first headlight complaint. The complaint is that the lights are TOO BRIGHT!
RE: 227 Owner Complaints!

LOL...guess there is one more complaint now.

You can go to NHTSA.gov and online file a complaint...I did so about my headlights, and yes, I know, it probably is fruitless, but on the NHTSA webpage it says that if there are a sufficient amount of complaints, they start an investigation, so who knows, maybe in 24 years we get free HID's! :pPP

RE: 227 Owner Complaints!

The one that caught my eye was the steering column coming out on the '97's. Happened to me doing 75 on a toll road. I thought it was a fluke until I read the posts. Guys at work didn't believe me when it happended. Now I don't feel bad knowing that I'm not the only one.

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"
RE: 227 Owner Complaints!

Most of those complaints are for the headlights, and some of the other complaints are just preposterous. One of the complaints is because the driveshaft is routed through the gas tank. No failure is cited, but the consumer (who, despite popular opinion to the contrary, is not always right) questions the judgement of the engineer(you know, the guy with the degree). Note that no failure is mentioned, and the shield that protects the gas tank IS mentioned. Someone should be screening those complaints.