$5,900 gets you FOUR left side wheels!


LMAO, never seen that before. I'm tempted to call and tell them they are crazy!

Ya...so it has 69k miles on it. Whatever. http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/ctd/2154097942.html



J,look at it this way....At least two of his wheels will be pointing in the right direction whether he's going forward or backward. :wink:
LOL. What happened to make them buy Two new rims.

OOOPS! I hit a curb, wish I had that darn Traction Control.
Maybe they were delivering boxes of peanut butter somewhere when they hit the curb, and it all exploded all over the interior...


How come everyone hates peanut butter interior? hah not that i like it either, but im just wondering why the strong backpeddling from it? I like the black and light grey interiors and ivory.

Those tires are a no no for our cars. Just sayin....
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A306 Safari/6531.22.7)

I'm right there with you on the tires, lmao! AND the chrome fender flares.
Hold it...how did they do that with the wheels? Are these wheels left only and right side only? ie you can't rotate the tires on this model?
If you posted a photo of your car with the wheels on the wrong side, we would have made fun of your car too.:D

We always do that. :)

It's a common mistake for new Mark VIII owners, and it's a common mistake at idiot tire shops that rotate tires, or put directional tires on the wrong direction wheels.:D
If you posted a photo of your car with the wheels on the wrong side, we would have made fun of your car too.:D

We always do that. :)

It's a common mistake for new Mark VIII owners, and it's a common mistake at idiot tire shops that rotate tires, or put directional tires on the wrong direction wheels.:D
Well, I'm new but now I will not make that mistake...............which would really suck if you mounted directional tires. I didn't see anything about that in my leather bound owners manual [ which also contains the original yellow congratulations card for the factory installed sunroof/moonroof] Wheeeeew.
Haha....well atleast someone learned something from this thread. :) Anyone called the dealer yet?! :wave:
peanut butter interior?
Mayonnaise and Mustard tires

this car is a rolling food cupboard.

as for the wheels...the T-Birds had 4 identical wheels...so I suppose it's not uncommon for people to NOT know.

sadly, dealerships don't know either.
I remember when my GF took my 94 to her work(Dealer) to install her chrome 10-spokes on to my 94 WITH directional tires.

she came home all proud to show me how nice my car looked with the 10 spokes.
I almost threw up with disgust.
They managed to get all the R/S on the left, and all the L/S on the right.
But they got the tires on the correct sides(directional).


they got to do it ALL over again for free. dismount/re-mount and balance ALL 4 due to their ignorance.
They denied it at first...until I pointed out that each wheel is actually marked L and R.

so going to a "dealer" never guarantee's accuracy and correctness. In fact, it is often less likely in both cases.