A Michigan meet in September?


Head Moderator
Staff member
Anyone up for this?

I'm expecting a nice September since we had a nice summer so far.:D

We could have it at my house. Nothing special, bring your own beverages and food for the grille.

Since it's so short notice, I wouldn't expect people from far away to be able to make it, but if anyone can, that would be great.:)
I'm interested. Perhaps if enough people are coming, the club can help sponsor the food.
Hmmm... Michigan's not that far. :rolleyes:

I have a possible track date the 11th but even if I don't do that, I'm not sure the Blue Flame would be up for the road trip. With the new converter, there is more heat and I've been having intermittent cooling issues that I need to sort out before I would take it on a trip outside my AAA towing circle. :D

I still have to R&R the cooling fan motor in the '96, bit it should be able to go.

We plan to go to the SuperCoupe Shootout the first weekend in October, so a trip at the end of September may be iffy.

I guess that's a maybe? :D
It would depend on the date for me too, but would love to come if it works out!
Hell yeah that sounds like a great idea.

Who gets to pitch a tent in your back yard? :D

Of course you can put your tent in the backyard Mark!:D

It's a little wild back there, so it should be great camping. Just watch out for the occasional pile of deer pellets.:)

There's plenty of room, so if anybody wants to bring a tent, you're very welcome.:)
Well now I am considering it as well. A chance to relax with friends is always great. I too would need to pitch a tent. Of course I would try to make my famous breakfast for all who are awake. Don't have a mark so is their a place to hide my town and country LOL.
I'm sure we can find a ditch to put your minivan in Bill.:D

Just kidding of course, people can drive whatever they want.

It's all about the people..well..it's about the cars too.:)
Thanks, good thing I have gap insurance. I might bring my best friend with me too. I will see if we can bring some of his homebrew also. Now I am comming for sure. Just one request for a ride in a mark to remember that extrordinary feeling!
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I hope we're in. We may need to camp, although I hate camping. But if there's a decent hotel close to you that we can all get rooms at, please let us know.