FS: all of our parts stash


i am closing my shop for good at the end of june. i will no longer be selling mark VIII parts, so the stuff i have i am selling off dirt cheap, but, i am not shipping body parts, so dont bother asking, fenders, doors, bumpers, trunk lids and hoods are pick up only. mostly this is for people who are close enough to drive down for a truck load of parts, i'll make the trip worth it trust me, please dont start asking in pm's or in this thread for me to check for all kinds of parts, i do not have the time, if you have a free weekend and can drive down to florida i will sell all this stuff off to everyone for pennies on the dollar, i have too many things to name off, but whatever doesnt sell by the end of june is either going in the dumpster, or going to the scrap yard i am not bringing it home to store here, we are all done with it so its all gotta go. so if you are in or near florida and want to stock up on tons of parts shoot me a message. i even have 2 97 shells with titles and mint rear clips if someone needs quarters or if someone wants to attempt to turn the back of their gen 1 into a gen 2, bring a car trailer! both shells have nice rear windows also. thanks.
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no need to wish, i have driven from new england to florida 4 times, its not that long, take a buddy with you, and it can easily be done in a weekend!!
last chance to cash in on very cheap parts, all this weekend i will be taking everything down from my loft and bumper covers are gonna be cut in half so they can fit in the dumpster and anything that gets thrown away will be detroyed first so no one gets any dumpster diving freebies. anyone who wants to take a weekend trip i will not refuse offers i'd rather help someone out and only make 20 bucks than to throw away parts people really could use. but i paid my rent till the end of june whatever is in there the last week of june is trash bound.
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Jamie, maybe list off a few parts that you have a lot of? I sent you a huge list of my needs and you had nothing.....a little list would help! I'm sure a lot of us would love to have some spare parts...
i have alot of alot of things, much easier for someone to look with their own eyes, i seriously dont have time to be making lists or taking pictures, i have tons of modules, mirrors, tail lights, window switches both gens, speakers, window motors, brake boosters, injectors, intakes, throttle bodies, heads, timing covers, fuel rails, bumper covers both gens both ends, fenders everywhere, 20 pass 97-98 seat tracks, door panels, hoods, header panels both gens, motor mounts, leather seat skins i mean i have thousands of parts!

and no oil pans, i just gave one to the junk yard today in a 97 i scrapped the whole car screw it, when i say it has to go, i mean it has to go!
I was over in ft myers and i thought about driving up, but i couldnt find your shop number. How do i contact ya? I'll drive up with my beat up mark before you junk the shop, i'm sure i'll see something i could use.
I was over in ft myers and i thought about driving up, but i couldnt find your shop number. How do i contact ya? I'll drive up with my beat up mark before you junk the shop, i'm sure i'll see something i could use.

You might want to bring a TRUCK/trailer !
you should do a sell off of parts, $20 a box and you pack whatever in it, obviously throw one good part in there. Just an idea, I'm sure you won't like it but I felt like saying it
i'm trying to do anything i can to help myself get rid of the parts, and to give people a chance of a life time to grab a ton of parts for nearly pennies, but the lack of interest is the exact reason why i dont want anything to do with it anymore, i'd rather get some beer and some golf clubs and beat the hell out of the stuff and throw it away! i'd enjoy it alot more lol all the years of this crap that would be some fun release!! i just cant see throwing so many things away but no one wants anything so the hell with it! you guys would cry if you saw the pile of metal going to scrap saturday, heads, timing covers, transmissions already went, wheels, valve covers, mint gen 2 hoods, mint fenders, rear lower control arms and rear knuckles, anything metal all going to scrap, got my buddies 1 ton chevy dump truck friday night and it will all get loaded and dropped saturday at the scrap yard.
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Well Jamie, it's a damn shame you're doing this, but you can hardly blame people for not wanting to drive down to the lower right corner of the country with such short notice, and at the same time telling people that you don't feel like looking for anything for them. I guaran-frakkin-tee you I'd be there with a U-Haul if I could. There are about a hundred different odds and ends I would love to get my hands on, but it'd cost me over $600 just to rent a goddamn truck. Do you absolutely positively have to be out by the end of the month? Lease running out or something? Not giving you a hard time, just trying to point out that it's not so simple for most of us to make the trek if you're not willing to find and ship the parts. I'd probably die inside if I knew what you're throwing away but not a thing I can do about it.
its not really a short notice, i made a post about a year ago trying to flush out alot of built up inventory and i got no response then too. and its not so much i expect people to drive from the other side of the country, there are a ton of florida/ georgia members who could jump all over this. its ok it doesnt bother me what gets tossed out though i'll keep what i want for my 2 marks and throw it all away. my lease isnt up, my will to continue this is up, i'm sick of it, it has taken up way too much of my personal time with my wife and kids and i work fulltime and dont feel like spending my weekends playing with mark VIII parts anymore, not to mention the 38,000 dollars in shop rent i have blown in the last 8 years, i'm just finished thats all. i paid my shop rent for june and told my landlord i will be out by the end of the month. i am just burnt out and now that my kids are getting older, i want to take them fishing, or explore more of florida, i dont need to do this car stuff anymore i dont benefit from it anymore so its time to move on.
everything in my shop is gone except bumper covers, took 3 truck fulls of everything to scrap today and pocketed $427 bucks, plus $450 for the two mark VIII shells i had outside, i will be picking up a bottle of captain morgan in a bit, and some 2 liters of coke, and sitting in the garage getting a little retarded tonight! i havent smiled this much in years, its like i finally got the nut to break up with a bad girlfriend after all these years!! i made 3 trips that all looked like this
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:eek:wow that sucks... kinda like cashing your 401k in early. or dumping your stock because it dropped 3 points. there will be days you regret that. sorry you had to do it:(:(:(.... hope you kept a personal stash in an attic somewhere.