An article worse than fiction...

you know, i grew up with a father i didnt get along with, he didnt drink or do drugs, he was in constant pain his whole life because of being born with curbature of the spine ( spelling? ) and when i was young i thought he was just an ass, i had some tough times growing up as a kid but as i got older i understood why he was the way he was, now i love him to death and we get along great, as mad as i got at him some times it was never that bad, and i never had the urge to inflict pain on someone because of my childhood, what in the hell do people like this go through in life to become so disgustingly disturbed that they could actually watch another human being go through that, and then ask for forgiveness? this world is getting worse and worse by the day, and people are getting more and more brutal towards another human. everyday i read or see on the news about all these different murders, sexual assults, fights, tortures, what the hell is wrong with people. they need to get all these sicko's together in an old warehouse, lock them inside and drop a bomb on the building.