Avatar Image

RE: Avatar Image

Just put it in you sig, so it can be seen. You have exceeded the limit on Avatars already.

From the ROC:


Signatures are allowed, but should be no more than five lines. Scrolling, flashing, or oversized text is NOT allowed. Signature graphics are allowed, but the combined file size must be less than 30 kilobytes total, and the combined total area of the graphics should not be more than 240 X 320 (Height x Width in pixels). No image should be more than 320 pixels wide. Vehicle modifications are also not allowed in your signature. Listing modifications in your signature interferes with the search function of the message board. Please list modifications in your profile to increase the accuracy of search results.

Avatar images must conform to a maximum of 48 X 48 pixels, and have a maximum file size of 4 kilobytes. If you are found to be in violation of this rule, your account may be temporarily deactivated while issues regarding your avatar are being resolved

Nice pics!