But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

Wtf.... i didn't really listen to what he said... but damn i would have run that guy over several times or done something worse to him if HE ever touched my car.
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

"You know what I am saying?"

Translation: What I just said is so inarticulate, I don't even understand what I just said, so I was hoping you could understand through telepathy what I was trying to express with my limited vocabulary and intelligence.

RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

Got Glock?

Unbelievable. I guess that PT cruiser didnt have a steering wheel. I'd have that punk-ass plowed, pinned up against that white barrier...relieve him of his weapon, and get some straight-up "PT Payback".
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

Does anyone understand what that guy was ranting about and why he attacked that PT Cruiser. It appears that the occupants of that vehicle were victims picked at random.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
Does anyone understand what that guy was ranting about and why he attacked that PT Cruiser. It appears that the occupants of that vehicle were victims picked at random.AlexanderPresidentLincolns of Distinction

No, I didn't understand him, and yes, it appeared that the victims were picked at random. What a freakin' crack head, huh?
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

I speak jive:


"I run this corner can't nobody do (expletive) to me, not the Metro(Las Vegas Police) I have been slinging( selling drugs) here for a while and can pretty much do what ever I want here allow me to show you. see this piece of (expeletive) PT cruiser allow me to show you its inferior design"( I added that part)
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

Maybe next yeat the PT Cruiser will be made entirely of Endura material. This material was made famous in a 1968 GTO TV commercial, where a line of guys took turns hitting an Endura bumper with a crowbar and the bumper remained unscathed.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

This guy looks like he can really swing a bat. george Steinbrenner should sign him with the Yankees. Goerge just can't let him do any interviews.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: But Everyone Hates PT Cruisers

Every time i see that video i get all P'ed off. I first saw it on ebaums webpage.
I can't believe all the people in cars around the PT just sat there and watched and were too timid to intervene, to get out and jack him up. I know it's easy to say from behind a computer, but if that happened to me, I'd of took the opportunity to beat him senseles with my bamboo sticks i keep in the back seat for just this occasion (and there growing cobwebs). (Havent been training in a while, and i wouldnt of passed up that opportinity for some sparring.) Any cop in America would of let me finish "softening him up" before they hauled him away. I mean....look at all the witnesses?
HAHA im all charged up now, im going to knock the hell out of my training dummy.
Now he can "sling his wares" in prision when hes getting pumped in the pooper.