buying guide/advice


Hey guys, i'm thinking about buying a mark 8 in the next few days. One is a 93 for 1000 and the other a 94 1100, the 94 has 152k on it. That's all I know so far, the 93 is 60 miles away and the 94 is 100 :-/
Anyway, I'm asking for advice on things/problems to look for. I know to look at the airbag suspension to see if it has deteriorated and to make sure the air ride system works, but what else? My budget is exactly the price of the car, so I can't afford anything to go wrong with it. I have another car I should put the money in to, a 84 Celica Supra, but I can't get everything done to it with that kind of budget and can't find parts, and it's scary in the winter.

I've always wanted a mark 8 so I'm really hoping one of these two are in good shape!
