Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!


Made the trade today...

Didn't really want to, BUT.....17stepboy totally trashed his hand down Sable, and has since joined the Army......

It officially had no value.

Anyway, there has been a '96 Mark VIII Base model that has been for sale at a couple different lots for $8999 for the past year....

For some reason it never sold....I checked it out 6 months ago and it was FLAWLESS....EVERYTHING WORKED!

It just sat there smiling at me month after month....Its some sort of Gray-Green (needs Zaino, then maybe it'll have a chance)...I'll get the code on Monday after making the switch-a-roo..

It was never low on air, has a nice sunroof.....perfect tan interior...but it has stinkin' WHITEWALLS and some silver-gray painted swirly wheels...(barf) and 80k miles...

I went by it last night and it was marked down to $5999 and had till monday before being sent back to auction....


So...They gave me $600 dollars for the trashed (you have no idea) Sable with 175k miles and $3000 for my 151k mile '94 Mark VIII...

I couldn't say no..

Quite an upgrade for a few thousand dollars!!

Its smooth riding...more of a Gen2 feel on the air ride...mine is VERY STIFF compared to the 96.....It was also smoother shifting, although I think mine my be faster...
Now that i've had a Mark for several years and fixed it myself....confidence is HIGH!

Either that or i'll trade up again..

I just couldn't pass this up.

94 uh...

80k miles
RE: Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!

te, best of luck with your "Willow Green" 1996 Base Mark VIII !! :) BTW, my Town Car has WW's on it. But, they are the thickness of a cigarette in width. I think they look good on the car, especially when clean, and she's silver-green too. 17boy will emerge 21man before you know it !

See, Silver-Green w/ WWs
POST A PICTURE WHEN CONVENIENT, TE - Would like to see it!! :)
RE: Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!

Oh yeah...There's a Tires Plus next door to the lot....its going there 1st for tire inside-outing and an oil change as I am sure it hasn't been changed in a year....Also window tinting, tranny fluid change, and some serious silicone for the front sruts..

And there's that CHROME STRIP.....I HATE THAT THING.....

94 oops!

80k miles
RE: Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!

Sounds like a smart move. I was looking for a '96 when it was time to trade my '94. Couldn't find one anywhere in the vicinity so I went with a '98.

Here's wishing you luck with your new ride. Post a pik or two when you get it the way you want....(tires, tint and lowered?)
RE: Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!

Congrats! Sounds like a great deal, and you know what to do with the trim. :)
RE: Bye Bye '94....HELLO '96!!

3 grand trade-in and 71K less miles for another 3 grand! I'd say you got your money's worth!

'97 Mark VIII LSC
'96 T-Bird 4.6L

Getting rid of that Sable was the problem...getting more than a dollar for it was amazing....17stepboy and his wickedmotherof17stepboy still owed $1600 on it to a loan agency, so it's not quite as good of a deal, but its gone well as the insurance payment which means I still kicked butt on the deal.


80k miles