

Dang....pulled into a parking lot to go to a Japanese Steak House and it was full! Only stop left was one next to a light pole. Pulled into it and it was one of those dang poles that had one of those (below window level) cement planters around the pole! Yeah, I found the edge of the planter when I heard the SCRAPE!

Did a quick look and saw yellow paint behind the passenger side headlight and haven't yet gone out in the daylight to check it out yet.... I don't want to see it! Maybe tomorrow!
That sucks.
Well Aimee a few days ago Aimee back the Acura into the Lincoln, so she damaged two cars at once :frown:
The Mrs. has done that before! :eek:

Woman. I got the other garge bay cleand out in the new palce so she can park inside it now that is getting cold. So i bring the baby down and she starts the car with the garge door shut. I yell at her and i get this look like i did somehting wrong :mad:
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I did this once in another car. The yellow stuff came out real easily with rubbing alcohol.
OK....you're gonna force me to go out and look at it....hold on.


It's worse than I first thought! CRAP!!

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It wasn't as bad as I thought....here's after some rubbing alcohol and Zaino.


Next spring, I'll remove the scratches and do some touch-up paint.