Detailed info on Vacuum leak

RE: Detailed info on Vacuum leak

Ok, I checked my '98 and there is a 2 ported check valve on it. But there are 3 lines going down to the vacuum reservoir tank inside the right wheel well.
The large right black connection is to the check valve. The plastic hose below it is the hose that goes to the vacuum tank. The top red hose is probably for the Air solenoid for the pollution controls. You will probably have to remove the tape and the right front wheel and the wheel well shield to check the cables out. There is probably a leak in there somewhere. All three lines go into the larger black split cable and go over to the acuum reservoir.
A quick check would be to start the car with the hood open and let it run for about a minute at idle with no A/C or anything else running. Then shut it off and go over to the vacuum check valve ans see if you can hear any activity in those lines. Then wait about 5 minutes and turn the ignition switch on to run and turn on the heater or A/C and see if the air direction changes from defrost to vent or to whatever you set it to do. If not, there is a vacuum leak somewhere. You are either going to find it, or a dealer is. And it will cost a bundle for them to do something you can do. I'll see if I can draw you a diagram of the heater and vacuum system.