finding stock parts


is there a good site online that sells factory parts such as nuts and bolts? just curious to see if there was anything like that out there.

Nuts are bolts are generally local items; not OEM parts.

For OEM motor and body parts, you might give Torrie a holler at Fast Parts Network.

LOD members get a discount.
i appreciate it. you wouldnt happen to know some bolt thread pitches then would you?

water pump pulley bolts
idler bolt
tensioner bolts
i have a huge stash of factory nuts, bolts, and screws i keep when i take these cars apart, i have a nut and bolt bin with about 40 trays in it!! what are you looking for specifically?
i kinda like the shiny gold new bolt look. i dont want to spend money on caps or replating, im sure they would be more than the bolt itself haha.
no offense but you are that crazy about those bolts you mentioned? why not bolt a bench grinder to a work bench and get a wire wheel if you want the new stock look? thats all i use if i'm cleaning threads and bolt heads, if you want that original look thats your cheapest and best bet.
im not crazy about them. i u sually replace hardware when i replace a part. dunno why im just ocd. come to thing of it though i do have the stuff to do the wire wheel job but its really not too important, i was just curoius. i guess i might if i have them off again later, but i dont plan on it :)
You're crazy Mike, lol.

+1 for bench grinder/wire wheel. You could also boil them in water first to loosen the gunk.