Flashing "O/D OFF" indicator light


Hello All,

Recently on my 96 w/60K, I have noticed the "O/D OFF" indicator light flash on and off about 5-10 times before an upshift. It doesn't do it every time. This happens with the O/D Off button not engaged.

I did the 1-2 upgrade about 10K ago w/Mercon V and a B&M cooler with no previous problems. The fluid smells fine and it is at the proper level. Anyone have a clue as to what is causing this?

Thanks in advance,
RE: Blinking O/D OFF light

RE: Blinking O/D OFF light

The PCM has detected a transmission related electronic malfunction occurring. When this happens, it flashes the O/D light. If you ignore it long enough, eventually the PCM will turn on the Check Engine light too. This will mean, "Hey, buddy, why aren't you paying attention to me?"

At this stage, even though the MIL/Check Engine light is not on, there will be codes in memory. The PCM set them the first or second time the light flashed.

Don't guess! Get the PCM scanned! Then you'll have something to work with.

(I predict an EPC problem.)