high value mk viii


there is a guy in nc offering his high value gold mk viii with 70k miles for $40,005 on cars.com. he reports that he learned the value of his gem from you guys and gals and says the price is going up the more he learns from mark8.org. just thought you might like to see what influence you wield, with fringe lunatics.
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must be a spring feature 98. and whatever he heard no matter where he heard it, if its the same one i saw its been listed for over a year and he is out of his mind thinking he will get 40 g's for it, the car is now 10 years old and thats the same price is was back then, the only thing that makes the car different from all the other mark VIII's is the color, its a 99 color on a 98 car, that doesnt make any car worth 40 g's lol!!! thats why he still owns it.
LOL! Yup, its that same one we talked about before, except he has now put his price up to 42005!!! Funny, it started at 37 ish, then went up to 40 ish, now 42??? His justification seems to be the fact that his is an LSC model. He posted on one of the forums once about the lack of interest. But, at that silly price, who would be? That car is probably worth 7-8K tops.
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another mark seller smoking crack

another mark seller smoking crack

i just was on trader and saw a 97 for 42k it has unlisted miles. this one is sittin in the snow in detriot. they must be kissin cousins.