HVAC diagnostics


So, I was at my mechanics today discussing the blend door job he is doing for me this next week. While he was discussing the the job he mentioned their is a way for the HVAC system to run a diagnostic just like the display does for the rest of the car. He told me how to do this but of course I didn't write it down or anything. Any one know about this? Or how to do it, because mine is more than just the blend door.

PS He is going to do the job for about 380.00 which I thought was a pretty good price.
To display the DTCs, initiate the On-Board Diagnostic by pushing OFF and FLOOR simultaneously and then AUTOMATIC within two seconds. The test may run as long as 20 seconds, during which time the display will be blank.

DTC ~ Detected Condition ~ Troubleshooting/Repair
01 ~ EATC control assembly. ~ Replace EATC control assembly.
02 ~ Blend door concern. ~Refer to EATC Control Assembly Connector and Blend Door Actuator Diagnosis.
03 ~In-vehicle temperature sensor ~Refer to In-Vehicle open or short. Temperature Sensor Diagnosis.
04 ~Ambient temperature sensor ~Refer to Ambient Temperature open or short. Sensor Diagnosis.
05 ~Sunload sensor short. ~Refer to Sunload Sensor Diagnosis.
888 ~Testing complete ~Refer to EATC System failure (all segments on). Functional Check.