#$^@#$ Jeanne

RE: #$^@#$ Jeanne

My physics professor has been keeping track of all the hurricanes on our projector, this week he put a noaa slide up that showed a pacific ocean hurricane navigating around south america to hit florida... no one realized it was a joke -_-
(I'm sitting north of your H with plywood in hand)
RE: #$^@#$ Jeanne

Hell, with the gyrations this one's done the odds that it would hit us were staggeringly low. Of course, we crapped out. No wonder your prof didn't get any laughs. More like "oh crap, not another one," I'd imagine. I was actually not sweating this one about four days ago because all the forecasts were saying it was heading away and dying out.

Heading to Kings Bay to stay with g/f's family. The tracking projections are trending toward Tampa, so I think that's the safer direction to run.

Stay dry,

RE: #$^@#$ Jeanne

I see that Jeanne is going to cross Georga and the Carolinas before it goes into the Atlantic. I hope it doesn't pull an Ivan on us and circle around and hit us again. I didn't lose power this time, thankfully. I hope everyone is OK.
RE: #$^@#$ Jeanne

alright guys.. finally checking in... we retained power oncea agin about 3 hours ago. Its been a rough 2 days. That was not fun ::nono::