Just a test

RE: Just a test

I'd make some kind of comment about your avatar but I am pretty sure it would get me banned.:7

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Just a test

I can't help but crack up when I see Spidey dance like that. It was an email I got from a friend titled, "If Spiderman was a gay Night-Clubber".
RE: Just a test

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't know if you were trying to tell us something or what.;)

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Just a test

LOL! Yeah, I had to clear that up right away, but know I have to resize to meet LOD rules. Anyone know how to reduce a .gif?
RE: Just a test

Yes. The size of a gif file depends on the layers. Each frame is a layer, and the size of each layer will be a certain number of bytes. You multiply that number by the number of layers it takes to make a complete cycle of your animation. In this case, the only way to make the gif smaller is to reduce the size of the picture and sacrifice clarity, or to reduce the number of frames and not have as much animation. It will be impossible with this picture. HOWEVER, if you post on other boards you can use whatever size avatar you like.