Loss of a Family Member.


Hey guys/gals,

A really close friend of mine lost his mother on Saturday to a long battle with cancer. That really close friend is Max. Most of you know him, some of you may not, but please give your condolences to him for his loss. The services are tomorrow and I will be attending.

Keep your head up Max, we're all here for you.
Jesse, thanks for representing us. Max, I am so sorry for your loss, and I'm here for you if you need a friend. xoxoxo
No problem. I'm bringing flowers.

I tried to get to meet her before she passed but it was never the right time. :(
My condolences Max. I was looking for you on AIM to get an update. Stay strong for your sister and father, we are here for you.
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So sorry to hear of your loss Max. :(
What a beautiful ceremony and awesome turn out. I was rolling solo so I didn't really know anyone, but there was a good turn out. Finally got to meet his mom, she was pretty and I got to see that Max gets his looks from his pops. :)

I feel priviledged to have been invited and join in that part of Max's life. I consider myself culturely challenged (not read as racist!) and it was very different to be involved in a ceremony like this. The entire ceremony was in Russian (or similar dialect) but I could feel the emotions in the room. It was a very moving hour. I'm proud of you Max for being the strong guy you've always been (all smiles) but you need to mourn Max....let it out man, its okay.

Your Dad told me before I left....."It's time for me to live my life for Max" so don't bare all the weight on your shoulders, your pops appeared to be doing "okay". I'm glad I finally got to meet him, he's just like you....or you're just like him. You have all his same manorizms and everything. Just seemed crazy because I've only known you this whole time and it was like there was another, older you there. :D

I was thinking about it on the way up there, the last funeral I went to was when my grandmother died when I was probably 6 or 7. Like I was saying, the ceremony was moving even though I felt lost there, without translation. Maybe one day you can translate for me....especially when the Priest was whispering to your Dad or when the Priest started crying. I heard your Mom's name a lot during that speech. :(

Anyways....we all love you man. :D
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