Lying Presidents

RE: Lying Presidents

The Project for the New American Century"

I would like to say a few things about those people, but im afraid I would not have it in me to control myself/shut up.
RE: Lying Presidents

Okay, I have more time to type now. I think that some people misunderstand my point of view, so I will attempt to clear things up for everyone.

Capitolism/Socialism:I am not what is typically defined as a "socialist", I am what Marx called a burgoise socialist; I beleive that everyone should have the opportunity to have "nice" personnal possessions. What some of you fail to realize is that I am not saying we should give money to people who have none. In any current system there are people who take advantage of it. In the United States the majority of our plans such as welfare, social security and medicare are just jokes. The people who need these programs aren't able to use them because there are thousands more loking for a free ride. I am opposed to affirmitive action. I am opposed to our current welfare system. The Social security plan was an excellent idea when it was first implemented, around the same time and by the same president as the minimum wage law, which was put into action to provide every working person with a wage sufficient for those basic needs we spoke of earlier. I have no problem with free enterprise; on the contrary I beleive people should do more for themselves, which brings me to another point: With our current view on money in this society, there is never a point when a person has made "enough". We are taught to make as much money as possible, and screw the other guy. This is why companies like Wal-Mart and Microsoft (among others) are around today, instead of mom and pop stores that are now obsolete beacause of these giants that have destroyed the true hard working common folk. The competitiveness and desire for money in this country also breeds criminals, some very intelligent. I believe the ideal system would provide for people basic necessities, not handouts. Those bare bones provisions would be your motivation to work harder, to exceed your current situation.

The White House Staff: I am not opposed to military action. Hell, I'm a veteran. I am proud to have served, and of the job I did while active. I am upset with the current situation because we are being told half truths (at best), and I don't like being treated like I'm stupid. I hate the objectives of the PNAC. If what is being done is for everyones best interest, then why are the true reasons for our actions not in plain view? I don't like Bush, but I also don't blame him for everything. In truth, I think the man would be hard pressed to figure everything out that's going on right now.

Dave: In your list of people whos lives matter more than others, where do you place the value of your own life, and why? When I spoke, it was of people being born; in that moment we should all be equal. None more important than another. Reading previous entres, I understand your argument abou some lives being worth more than others, and while I don't completely agree I understand more now.

Wasfuz: I want you to tell me my age.
RE: Lying Presidents

I'm not WasFuz but

Although in that picture you look about 7, :) I'll guess 29.

Isn't Socialism & bourgeois an oxymoron?


Thats my son, and he is 7. Good job.:)

They dont have to be oxymorons. Thats my point. FDR took us in the right direction, we just couldnt keep up. Its a shame. We'll get it sometime.
RE: Lying Presidents

Well, Eli, Jack guessed. How old are you?

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Lying Presidents

Drumroll please...


I take the fact that Fuz said the older a person is the better their argument was, and thought I was almost 10 years older than I actually am. I take it as a compliment.
RE: Lying Presidents

25 - 7 = 18. 42 - 18 = 24. Man, I'm almost old enough to be your dad!

The way your going, you might be a grandpa before you hit 40. LOL

'93 MonsterMark Project Car