
If the front suspension is aligned and fit but still not to your liking, the steering joint can be replaced with a Flaming River u-joint along with a full set of front suspension braces.

That will make the car drive like it was on rails. ;)

You want to buy a Flaming Rive steering rack?
I have one for sale.I will sell it cheap $300. Can not tell you what vehicle it is for but does not work on the Mark VIII.
Did some more work to my Mark VIII.




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Lmao, none of those things were on the original list. :) Expecially Hulk violating Hulk?!
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Lmao, none of those things were on the original list. :) Expecially Hulk violating Hulk?!

J, the Hulk is just for you on Valentine's Day.

I'm waiting on the cross over tube to start putting the car back together.