N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway


You know you are in NASCAR country when your governor slaps the # 2 wall at Charlotte at 170 mph. He was doing laps for charity in Jimmie Johnson's no. 48 when he said it was starting to get loose. He was about to bring it in to have it tightned when he spun it out. He will finish doing his hot laps for charity in Jeff Gordon's no. 24 this afternoon. He only raises money if his laps are above 160.
RE: N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway

Now he is complaining because the cars have been restricted to 175 mph.
RE: N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway

That's awesome! Our ex-governor can fly a jet. Give him the keys to a Cup car, and he will keep up with your governor as well.
RE: N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway

That's great, Art!!! Your governor is trying to beat times, our ex-governor is trying to beat doing time (by getting his cronies to petition for his early release from jail!!!). }> I guess he wants to get out so that he can start raising money again for his favorite charities--himself and his casino of choice.
RE: N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway

Like many states, North Carolina has a budget deficit. Mike Easley is just trying to do what he can to put some money in the coffers.
RE: N.C. Governor crashes at Lowe's Motorspeedway

Update: the 'guv' did not take Jeff Gordon's car out this afternoon. He took Terry LaBonte's # 5 instead. He did not wreck this one.