No Brake Lights


In title only.
Stopped at the store on my way home and when I got back in I could not shift into gear. So my first thought was to call my son to come pick me up and my second thought was to call J for help. J got me back on the road so I cancelled the rescue, but with no rear lights.

Anyway, I disconnected the neon, found a blown fuse and got the taillights working but no brake lights. Checked all the fuses in the cab all seam good, although it is dark and raining Maybe I missed one?

Could the brake light switch blow a fuse? When the switch went out on my T-Bird it did not.
BTW, I have replaced the ballast.

Edit: Thinking about my T-bird it was a broken wire, so it would not have blown a fuse.
I will recheck them and the ones under the hood in the morning. Hoping the rain stops, But I don't think it will.
Ok just had to move the car.
I'm getting "engine temp data error" and "gear data error"

What's going on?