Political Discussions


With what seems around here to be much more then a passing interest in the idea of a political discussion board steps have been taken to provide one for your political debating interest. This is an off site joint venture of sorts with existing Cdn and international political topics with an additional venue provided with the LOD family in mind in a new board called “Capitol Hill” for US domestic political debate. Along with that another board called “The Situation Room” for topics international in nature for some of you here that are interested in political discussion might enjoy.

As you all know political discussions by they’re very nature can become pretty animated topics and at times can contain both controversial and very enlightening information. Unfortunately for those very same reason politics is not a recommended topic for the overtly sensitive or those not prepared to hear all sides of the debate. However for those interested it can definitely be a learning experience.

Trixie and I would like welcome anyone who is interested in stopping by.

City Hall: http://www.snipershark2.net/forums/index.php

This post is simply to inform the LOD family of the City Hall facility and in no way is intended to inspire any kind of political discussion on LOD’s forums.
Feedback can be sent to ether Trixie or myself via email or PM here or with similar features on City Hall.
Any replies that transplant contents of political topics in whole or in part from City Hall to here will be removed without further notice.