Prototype Mark VIII Convertible


Head Moderator
Staff member
Here are some photos of a prototype that was built by ASC.

Too bad they never produced it.

Yes, I know the 20 spokes are on wrong. I'm not sure why they did that though, it was a new car.






I've seen Mark VIII convertibles but never these picture before. Any idea what happened to this prototype?
I don't know what happend to the car.

Unfortunatley, it probably met the fate that most other prototypes meet.:(
Here's a few bits of the replies (I don't want to get anyone in trouble, I'm happy to have the photos) that I received when I asked what happened to the car:

It was given/sold to asc as a dollar car. What is the interest? That car can't be sold to anyone.

Academic now. Car is gone, no-one has clue where. Apparently xxxx sold off a bunch of xxxx in mid 90's . That might have been with it - but no-one knows for sure. All we have now is pictures.
Probably somewhere in the middle east ;) Inside a temperature controlled 4000 car garage. Or the local billy bob junk yard.
i dont consider it a ragtop unless it comes down, the imitation convertible on the other hand i find hard to take care of, and some were poorly installed. But i think they look good, never seen a real convertible mark viii before though
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