Returing to thr fold..


Been gone for a while, but We are looking to find another Mark VIII
We had a 93 last time but are looking to 97 98 this time.
Any resons not to... What too watch for?

Thanks In advance
RE: Returing to thr fold..

do it! do it!

go for a '98 if you can find one. There are a few nice little improvements. watch for blend door problems and air ride problems, and make sure all the electronics work.
RE: Returing to thr fold..

I rember reading about the blend door and seeing some fixes to the motor prior to installing a new one. what was the way to test this door. Does the air ride function like it did on my 93 were you can test by open/closing the door to check for the drop.
RE: Returing to thr fold..

air ride functions the same. best check though is to shut it off and make sure it doesn't drop overnight.

if you can get the HVAC system to switch between blowing cold air and blowing hot air, the blend door works.