

So it was nice out today so I decide to take the MarkVIII for a cruise. Drive it about 5 miles or so and all is well. Then I stop at my step-dads for about 5mins and just left the car running. Come back and on my way out I pop in neutral and give it a nice rev and notice an ever so slight hint of grayish/slightly bluish smoke from both tail pipes... odd. Pull out and punch it.. no smoke. Get home, put in park, give it a rev again and once again... just a lil bluish smoke. I let it sit a min then gave it a quick hard rev to about 3500rpms and no smoke, rev it to 5,000 and just a lil smoke. Crap. So I know the usual suspects are worn valve stems/guides and oil rings but what about a faulty PCV?? (it's brand new but that don't mean anything)